Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Presentation prepping, still coding, still de-bugging...trying to loop more components. Today was exhausting. Dear Mac - you're so beautiful but your screen brightness burns. (Abril just mentioned I can turn the brightness down - yay knowledgable Mac users). She's just shaking her head. Apparently, the keyboard brightness can also be turned down. I spent all day basically attached to the computer.

At lunch, we escaped the computer screens and coding to catch some fresh air. Biking felt great! Lunch was legit.

Before resuming our group app development, we had a session on presenting with confidence. It must have been an interesting presentation for the 'presenter' to give. We practiced 'confidence' pitches in small group settings. It was a fun break from coding.

And after the break...Ya know.

Before we knew, it was time for dinner. At dinner there is a mystery Googler who Abril and I have seen every single day. My goal before I leave is to speak to the Googler - just to say hi.

This sums up my life:

READY TO CODE ALL DAY TOMORROW? You bet, especially if it means that our application will work! Like I said on day 1...BRING IT!

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